L&G have finally admitted that their plans to make Ambrose Lane and Cooters End Lane a cycling "quietway" were a fantasy, as we have maintained all along. They have conceded that their proposals will make both of these roads rat-runs as drivers seek to avoid the hugely increased queues on Luton Road. L&G's solution? To put road humps and a one-way shuttle between Cooters End Lane and Kings School, plus an additional one-way shuttle (which may well require traffic lights) over the bridge on Ambrose Lane. Yet again, L&G are content to greatly increase the inconvenience and daily journey times for local residents in order to maximise their profits.
In reality these ideas are little more than cheap fixes to gloss over the problems which L&G's proposals will inflict upon local residents. We need fully-invested, thought-through solutions which will minimise additional traffic and incentivise residents to travel on main roads which are designed to cope with higher traffic volumes.