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Kirsti Wenn's response

I'd like to share my concerns in the current approach to housing in and around Harpenden.

It appears at the moment we are relying on property developers, at their own whim and potential profit to spot an opportunity and push forward for planning. Surely a more sensible approach would be to have clarity on; Property type (floors/gardens/rooms/number of residents), volume, location, proximity to relevant facilities, vacated property type locally v incremental to the town and I am sure much more.

Then with this understanding we could create an ambition for the town, to keep us relevant whilst maintaining the key characteristics which make it Harpenden intact. At which point we would locate potential land and pitch out the opportunity to developers for it - thus developing the right type of housing etc that has been agreed by current residents and ensuring infrastructure is suitable and functioning for all.

At the moment the tail is definitely wagging the dog and we will be left with a mis-shaped town, without adequate infrastructure, not necessarily answering the real requirements of current and future residents. There must be a better way to approach this that satisfies Harpenden's current and future needs and not just about making quick money for the developers!


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